August 8, 2022

As we begin September we also begin a new church year.  We’ve been meeting for a couple of weeks now and Awana & Youth are off to a good start.  On Wednesdays, we are all in for students.  Preschool through College, there is a place for you on Wednesday night starting at 6.  Last Sunday morning we started a new sermon series from the book of Philippians called ‘Finding Joy’.  The first sermon was about joy in participation.  One of the points of the sermon was how Christians find joy in being a part of a local church.  Many have never experienced this joy because they fail to see the importance of Church membership or even church attendance.  Since 2020, many churches have seen a drop in attendance because people have gotten out of church.  They have forgotten the joy of gathering together for worship.  Others use the excuse of worshipping at home or online, but that is not a replacement for in-person worship.  Listen, from studying God’s word we see that Christians were meant to be a part of community – that community is called the local church.  In this new church year, we pray that many will come to know the joy that comes from being a part of a local church.

God Bless – Tim